- Cold is a relative thing. Everyone down here complains when it is below 70 about the cold weather. I tend to pooh pooh this, but the recent cold snap of below 30 degree nights followed by days in the 50's is just as painful to Floridians as the sub freezing temps are to us Northerners.
Several inches of snow in Chicago is just a long rush hour. In Atlanta, it paralyzes the city for several days. That's painful.
- Bird watching can be fun.
- Playing golf in January is exciting even when course conditions are as bad as they can get.
- If two people get along well living in 9 rooms, they can manage living in two rooms just as well.
- Stuff is over rated. There is nothing I left at home that I cannot live without.
- Friends and family are under rated. They are the only things I left at home that I cannot live without. Friends also abide in Florida and some will even join us down here which keeps the long time away from home from getting lonely.
- Church is important anywhere you go. It not only offers the opportunity to commune with the heavenly Father on a regular basis, it is a constant in an ever changing environment.
- Laundromats are efficient, but very expensive.
- There is good health care in Florida; you just have to make good choices and get lucky as in any other place.
- An abundance of fresh produce is taken for granted.
- And, oh yes, alligators won't bother you if you give them their space. I am not about to test this one to often.
There is nothing wrong with perpetual summer. It is healthy for both the mind and body. Moving here permanently, I would not miss the seasons as I hear people say. I would, however, miss the place I call HOME, in a most miserable way.
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