Thursday, December 1, 2011

Let the Holidays Begin

I love Christmas. I love it as much as ever anyone did with all the decorations, presents, parties, and good will it evokes.

That said, I think I have learned to love Thanksgiving even more for its relative simplicity. With most of both our extended and immediate family living at least an overnight stay away, Thanksgiving is not just a day but a week-end. Thanksgiving is all about appreciating the abundance with which God has blessed us and the food. 

On Thursday we had our traditional turkey dinner with our faithful guests, my brother and two nieces, Jim, Lindsay and Beth. As has become my habit the past two years, my turkey was slightly overcooked while I participated in the Wii tournament in the basement. Thanksgiving dinner is all about the sides anyway, isn't it?

On Friday our Green Bay Chilsons hit Chicago in their usual  lively fashion. Of course, on the agend is pizza from Papa's and Chicago hot dogs and Italian Beef from Portillos. In addition, I cooked a large ham dinner as my gift to them.

Another niece and nephew, Jason and Johanna, along with their two charming girls added to the delightful mayhem both Friday and Saturday evenings.

The real joy of the week-end came in spite of the food, however in our total enjoyment of each other and watching the antics of the kids, both old and young.

I had the good fortune of needing an outfit for a New Year's wedding. I say good fortune, because having been the only female in the family until my boys took brides, I generally do all my shopping solo. This time I was priviliged to have the company and assistance of my daughter-in-law, Amy, niece, Lindsay and granddaughter Ella. They  put the fun in shopping especially Amy who loves to enable me to spend my money without guilt. They outfitted me for the wedding in the greatest style which is ANTHING BUT "dowdy old lady."

Meanwhile at home, Niece from Virginia was watching the UVA footbal game upstairs, while son from Wisconsin was watching their football game downstairs. Another right of Thanksgiving week-end. It doesn't get any better than this.

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