Sunday, October 13, 2013

Musings on turning 65

Enough time has passed since the occurrence of my 65th birthday to give it some perspective.  I had been dwelling on the significance of this birthday all summer if not even all year. For the first time in my life a birthday actually meant to me that I was aging. After all, isn't medicare for old people? Also, for the first time in my life, I never have occasion to lie about my age. I don't have to make myself older to receive discounts and making myself younger only deprives me of the advantages of my age. I had a friend once who said that if she were going to lie about her age she would make herself older rather than younger so people would say she looked good for her age instead of thinking she looked old for her age.

Don had decided that we should have a party to celebrate the occasion of my acceptance into medicare. It was to be held on the Sunday following the actual day. I had some trepidation about the event: first it seemed presumptuous to assume that the world would care about my birthday, and second because many of the very close friends we had invited were unable to attend but as soon as my friends and relatives started walking into the room I was glad we did it.  The children from Green Bay came in to join us so my joy was complete.Those who honored me by attending, radiated love and those who were unable to be there in person had sent warm sentiments before the event. Looking across that room at the accumulation of loyal, loving friends and family, I saw what my 65 years has brought me. Everyone of those people represented a phase in my life which was enriched by their involvement. This truly was a celebration of my life and not of my age.

I appreciated the heartfelt wishes expressed in the many cards I received. The greatest present of all was from out grandchildren who have travelled far and near with us in our RV. Somehow they found a plaque which listed "Grandma's House Rules" which reflects the list of rules we have when on the road. It was lacking one steadfast rule however: Rule #42:  Never leave grandma behind. Ella insists I have to find a sharpie and pencil it in and I probably will because of all the rules we have, the children have adhered to this one in more ways than they realize.

So overall, there may be more advantages to turning 65 than just discounts. I hope I am only just beginning to realize them.


Our cabin in the woods

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I believe every girl gets a birth month as opposed to a birthday and mine started out with a boom and ended with a bang. I gradually came to this conclusion beginning on my 18th birthday when I found myself away from home for the first time on my birthday living in a college dorm too newly ensconced there for any of my new acquaintances to know it was my birthday. After a day of feeling sorry for myself, I announced to two of the nicest girls I would ever meet that it was indeed my birthday and they immediately began a celebration taking the sting out of my loneliness. I decided right then that no one will wish you a happy birthday if they don't know it is your day. So now I begin to publicize it starting Sept 1. As a result, I find people to celebrate with the entire month.

We started out with a trip to Starved Rock which has become one of our favorite go to places in Illinois. We spent a few days there with our friends the Fulls staying in one of the lodge cabins out in the woods with the deer. The cabin was very rustic with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a fireplace. We did some hiking, biked the I & M trail a ways, ate a lot and played pinochle. It is so great to have the kind of friends with whom you can share some of your favorite activities.

We were home for one day and left for Atlanta to visit my birthday buddy Drew and his family. His birthday is exactly one week before mine so we bring his presents and they give me two birthday lunches, presents, birthday brownies a la mode, and more hugs than anyone can handle. I even was honored to hold Drew's game ball from his first baseball game. Do you believe there are places in this country where baseball season begins in September?

Drew is the one at shortstop

The day after we returned home I golfed my birthday round and prepared for my party. Overall I would say it was a great birth month and now I have to wait 11 months for the next one. 

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